Thursday, September 14, 2006

Starting somewhere

There is considerable dispute as to the reasons for Columba's exile which eventually brought him to Iona. Conjecture, of course, is rampant. What matters is that there was risk, there was heroism coupled with reluctance. That is as good a way to introduce a spirituality which might be appropriate even for our own time. To enter into anything like a disciplined prayer life calls for risk and courage, while acknowledging reluctance, not to mention uncertainty.
'Following Columba' is about getting into the 'slip-stream' of someone who for over 1400 years has been seen as, in himself, a follower of Christ. That's where Columba pointed his followers and that's where we are pointed now.
The inner life, however, is where this following begins and it is the inner life that this blog is about.
The 'inner' life is not separate from the 'outer' life. However, it is simply a way of focusing on the 'work' that might be done to develop a basic spirituality that engages with the realities, as Columba faced the realities of uncertain weather, uncertain people and uncertain political times...
So are there are there any questions at this stage....?
+Martin. Bishop of Argyll and The Isles.
Thursday 14th September 2006. Holy Cross Day. (Not a bad day to start this blog)


Blogger Christine McIntosh said...

Columba faced the realities of uncertain weather, uncertain people and uncertain political times...

Nothing changes, really, does it? So following Columba isn't a bad place to be, whatever we may feel about the apparent loss of spiritual direction in our time. The longing is still there ... it's just harder for people to define it.

8:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the picture of the "slipstream". As we follow, learn, and grow in the slipstream, it strengthens us for the times when, to change the picture, we take the baton and forge out with others in our slipstream.

11:42 am  

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