Friday, November 17, 2006

Matthew under the arm 6

One of the most important preparations for prayer is to be aware of your breathing and practice the art of gentle and rhythmic breathing. With the sentence in the middle of each of these little pieces on Matthew's Gospel, you can repeat the sentence in time with your breathing. That way lends itself to using the sentence at many points throughout your day. After all, if you are going to be a companion of Columba's on the Way, your breath is literally a vital companion.
So having read this passage from Matthew, and the little comments attached, enter your silence with one of your best friends, your breath.

Matthew 3:1-12
John the Baptist states clearly, before any baptismal activity, that the Kingdom of God is at hand. The Kingdom is the process by which those alive and dead in Christ are brought into the unity and love of God. It is at hand and it is not yet. Baptism is the sign of purification, being turned towards and a readiness for that Kingdom. To be turned involves deep courage and humility. Repentance, which is a turning towards God, is demanding. To allow myself to be turned involves letting go of resistance. When I begin to let this happen then I begin to experience a little of what the love of God is – what the Gospels call the Kingdom of God.

Turn to me and I will transform your living for My Loving

You are now entering prayer. That involves trust. In order to let go of so much that gets in the way of the Love of God, trust in prayer must be practiced. Repentance is about one simple and yet costly question: What is replacing the Love of God in my life? Simply observe and do not be harsh on yourself. God wont be! God now comes to you and gently turns you towards the new – the way of costly love. When you come out of this prayer it may be that you have someone in mind who can help you to talk through what arose in your prayer.

Argyll and The Isles


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