Saturday, February 17, 2007

Matthew under the arm 31

Two days ago, Columba and I came into a largish town on our pilgrimage. 'This is a drab lookming place,' I said softly. Columba turned round sharply and with a sharp tone in his voice said to me,'Drab? How do you know the hearts of these people?' That shut me up. We were looking for a place to spend the night and it was getting dark and cold. On a side street, there was a boy lying on the ground being kicked by three others. He tried to draw himself into a ball in order to protect himself. I stopped, petrified. Columba went towards them. he was shouted at not to get involved. Columba fell to his knees and began to weep with his head bowed. The three boys turned to Columba and started to laugh. 'I beg you in the name of the God'... You can imagine their response. However, their laughter stopped and they became embarrassed at this strange man kneeling in the middle of their street. Doors opened and people came out to watch. 'I beg you to stop kicking this boy,' Columba persisted. The bystanders grew in number, but the kicking stopped. I became acutely embarrassed and frightened. Drawing Columba to his feet, I said to him, 'Come on. We need some rest'. I breathed a sigh of relief when we left the street. But I couldn't help looking back at the spot - where Columba knelt....

Matthew 8:5-13….
Christianity - the religion of the alienated; the outsider; the exiled – never quite on the inside of the story. Resentment can, however, breed the desire to undermine others that we maybe on the inside. The Centurion, although a Roman officer, knew he was an outsider to Jews. And he was desperate! His servant was in pain. Resentment is a waste. ‘Just give the order, that’s all’. If your desperate then your prayer is simple. Where is Christ? Among the desperate – the disenfranchised who refuse to give way to resentment.

I would bring you to wholeness that My Truth be revealed in you

If you are desperate you will beg – you have nothing to lose. Maybe you have a desperation now. Name it – place it before Christ. See Him right in front of you – his face, his eyes, his mouth. Beg. He knew how to! In prayer, no one is watching – judging – measuring your qualities. They don’t matter. Then calm your body, your breathing, your mind and then allow the sentence drop into your heart. You will through your begging have opened it up in a way that makes prayer deep.

Argyll and The Isles


Blogger Donald said...

God listens and answers our prayers but some leaders and trainee leaders of our church don't listen to God. They mock His power to create and they mock the Lord Jesus Christ's death and resurection by saying, "It is only one way to heaven". They even mock God's word.
We beg the Lord to have mercy on these blind leaders.

7:35 pm  

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