Friday, November 30, 2007

Matthew under the arm 92

In the middle of some low trees, swept in one direction by the prevailing wind, was a small building with children chasing hens and being shouted at by a fearsome looking woman. This was a remote village which few pilgrims frequented. Some old folks were gathered round the children as they played. Columba had stopped about 100 yards back. He was crouched down and organising stones on the ground. Eventually, the children noticed and came to watch. ‘Don’t just watch!’ said Columba. ‘Go and get some more stones - and not too small.’ Before long a huge mound grew. Columba said nothing more. But we all could see that there on the ground he was outlining a huge bird. The adults muttered, but the children made the assumption about what kind of bird Columba was creating. They kept asking him, but he didn’t reply. Eventually, Columba stopped and watched the children complete the bird – a dove. One child asked, ‘Is that what you wanted?’ ‘What I wanted?’…… As dusk fell, Columba summoned me to move on. ‘I hope the priest was there,’ said Columba. ‘That’s how worship happens.’

Matthew 19:13-15….
To bring anyone to Jesus is a common activity in the Gospels. The disciples behave almost like personal assistants, even bodyguards – there to protect their ‘VIP’ Jesus’ time and space. Jesus, however, wants to be left with the children alone – without the intrusion of protective adults and their own needs. So he expects them to let go and trust in the way children do themselves. By being with children alone, Jesus can see through adults’ and children’s manipulative behaviour. Acceptance can flower through the simplicity of touch: marks of the Kingdom, that is dawning.

Let the simplicity of stillness and silence, open you to the touch of My Love.

Enter into the silence in the attitude of gentle noticing – your physical sensations, thoughts and feelings. Notice them and let them go. Give a little time to be aware of your breathing: the ‘in’ breath for stillness and silence – the ‘out’ breath for letting go… In a sense, you are being like a child… Allow yourself to be brought to Jesus and to be touched by Him. Who would you bring to Jesus? Imagine the process and that you are being asked by Jesus to leave that person alone with Him.

Argyll and The Isles



Blogger Christine McIntosh said...

And this happened:

In the silence - in, out -
breath stills, sustains and calls
and in the silence - in, out -
the hot flood of love pours
suddenly around and through, as
tears start from nowhere
and in this room where silence
hums - in, out - I know
another breathes with me -
in, out - and we are one.

Thank you, Martin.

4:40 pm  

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