Saturday, September 16, 2006

'This body of mine!'

Well, there is a little 'journey' I am on. As you might have gathered, if you seen the first two of my blog postings, the title is 'Following Columba'. To be honest, I am experimenting with this medium of blogging to see if it is useful, reflective etc.... (?)
After a time, the journey is going to be one one on which he might say: 'Well. I'm stopping now. You get on with YOUR pilgrimage!'. [Perhaps he might have moved ahead of us and is creating a sacred space somewhere else...?] Of course, there will always be our 'doves' sent back to check things out with him. However, I'll stick with Columba for the time being. On his journey, he was, I assume, only too aware of his body. The tiredness, the hunger and all the other desires and needs either he expressed or didn't!
So after having spent sometime being aware of 'where I am'.... noticing/observing the environment around me. I realise, of course, that none of this environment is 'mine'. This laptop is not 'mine'. Certainly, I have it for my use. If I say it is mine, I am over-identifying with it. That applies to people as well. To say that someone is 'mine' is to recognise that person only through my own desires and possessiveness, which eventually distorts that persons individuality; that person's 'personhood'. So I am in this context, but I am not the context....
Likewise, when I become aware of my body, gently and carefully, I am inclined to call it 'mine'. Yes, I have a body, but 'I' am not my body... There is much more to me than that....
So spend sometime just being aware of 'your' (woops!) body.... Surprisingly, you might find that stillness naturally becomes part of that noticing... It's essential NOT to analyse, criticise, quantify or qualify... Just notice, watch....
Christ is in the watching....
Argyll and The Iles.


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