Sunday, November 26, 2006

Matthew under the arm 8

I am constantly reminded of the importance for Columba of ensuring that he had the time to pray. It seems that for him and for so many of the saints, such time was essential - without which they could not do. In my experience, this shows itself when I stop finding the time. My ability to see the 'working' of God around me diminishes. I suppose the reason for me not finding the time comes about as a result of a 'temptation', which often includes the voice that says insistently: 'You, Martin, are too busy...' Oh well, Get behind me!
(But I'm sorry, Columba, I'm having a sit on this rock, pulling my Thermos out and having my Hot Chocolate... with this passage...)

Matthew 4:1-11
To test someone else’s faith is to undermine their humanity. Faith is being in union with God even when I have no sense of what that might mean. In the desert there is no security. There the greatest danger to faith is the desire for security – to avoid hunger and poverty, to be protected and to have power and influence over others. All this finds its roots in fear. The desert simplifies choices: to react out of fear or out of love. Love is the activity of God where there is insecurity. The Holy Spirit leads Christ into insecurity not as a test but to strengthen His obedience to God.

Let the Holy Spirit lead you to live by My Grace, My Simplicity and My Freedom

The Holy Spirit acts in you as you desire to pray at depth. So, use the sentence to still you and take you to a place that is without securities or perhaps certainty. Be in the desert with Christ. The securities you desire may reveal uncomfortable facets of your personality. The security of sufficiency… the security of protection… the security of having influence… Do not judge yourself or analyse these facets. They are illusions. Just notice them. Let them be. Tell them to get behind you, even if it is only for a while! You are with the giveness of God, the simplicity of prayer and you are free to react just as you feel.
Argyll and The Isles.


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