Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Matthew under the arm 20

It's getting late and it's dark. We have some miles to go until we arrive at our lodgings. Where is Columba? The wind is blowing and the rain is driving against my face. I realise that I've walked on and left Columba behind. So I retrace my steps. There he is setting underneath a fence with the hood of his anorak over his head and his hands deep inside. I bend down to ask him what on eart he is doing. I realise. He has gone 'into his inner room....' That's always the priority for him. He is not here to impress me or please me, but love me.

Matthew 6:1-6…

Being too attached to people and circumstances means that we do not listen or look as we might. Being detached is being aware of what is going on around us. We can then engage with people and circumstances more creatively. Detachment allows us to listen to God in all aspects of our lives. Prayer is the practice of this detachment. By going into our ‘private room’, we can let go the desire to create impressions or to be apprehensive when others are present, depending on our personality. Finding a ‘secret’ corner for prayer improves detachment from intrusive desires. The prayer with God then can be simple.

I would receive the inner gift of attention to Your Holiness

Even in the most cramped circumstances, you can create a little corner of a room with a candle, a favourite bible or a crucifix. You can close the curtains and turn off the radio for a few moments. The little silence you have is a gift of God. Practice stillness. No one is watching you and no one is scrutinising you. You are removed from that. God is near. So picture Christ sitting or kneeling beside you, still and being attentive to God.

Argyll and The Isles


Blogger Donald said...

Ultimately God is in control, we have the oppertunity to be in touch with Him through the Lord Jesus Christ. How often we struggle on when He wants to speak with us. "Be still and know...." We are alone if we ignore what God has done for us.

6:44 am  

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