Friday, May 02, 2008

Matthew under the arm 120

For most of today, a young boy joined us. His Mother and Father were walking well behind. The boy had heard that I could sing and wanted to accompany me on his flute as we walked along. However, I shrugged off the suggestion and said that he was too good for me and that I would spoil his playing. Undoubtedly, he was talented. Columba sang, however....out of tune and with the most dreadful tone! Soon, we were joined by about 20 people laughing and singing. I became more and more resentful and ashamed. So I dropped out and hung behind them all. That night Columba told me a story from Matthew.....

Matthew 25:14-30….
The most important part of this parable is where the third servant hid the talent given him… ‘so I was afraid.’ Remember that parables only make a single point. Our attention is often drawn away from the single-hearted focus of our life: namely on the Kingdom of God, not to be identified with human psychology or power structures. Fear demonstrates the power we have given to others. In turn, the decisions we make are to placate or even to appease. We become more interested in pleasing those in power rather than God.

Let me be aware of the gifts you have given me and so offer them to Your service

Read the passage carefully and slowly several times. Then imagine that Jesus is telling you the story. He is with you now. What do you do in your daily life to focus on the will of God for you and what do you do to please others out of fear? Write down your reactions to this question. Write down the gifts you have and then use the sentence. Imagine you have your gifts in the palms of your hands, given to you to use. Note your feelings.

Argyll and The Isles



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