Sunday, July 01, 2007

Matthew under the arm 62

Puzzling. Two days ago Columba spent a long time with a young couple on the pilgrimage. They had shown signs, everytime we caught up with them, of being unhappy and anxious. All he said to me was: 'Pray for them'. 'What am I to pray about?' Columba replied, 'You don't need to know. Just pray'. 'Your prayer has nothing to do with information that will make you feel better, but for others.' Later I asked Columba why he spent so long with them. Well, after I listened to their story and they appeared to be calmer, I became fascinated by their experience. I learnt a lot.' 'So...', I replied rather haughtily. ' were really with them for yourself and not for them!' 'Of course', he replied. 'Have you ever seen anyone love anyone else without gaining from it themselves?' I was a little upset. 'But isn't completely selfless love what we should be aiming at? Wasn't that what you were trying to tell me earlier?' 'What kind of love is that?' he asked. Mmmm. That man Columba!

Matthew 13:47-50….
In mysticism, all things are pictured ‘gathered up’ into God, as in the image of the dragnet. The language of condemnation of ‘the useless’ is difficult for us. If our lives have no creative qualities to them, there is a 'uselessness'. But what about those who are unable to be anything other than ‘useless’? Even one look of love, however, renders any myth about hell to be meaningless. As William Blake put it: 'Touch something with love and it becomes infinite.' The point of the parable is to awaken us to be of service right now.

Be alert to serving others as the imprint of My Presence here and now

Myths are means to enable you to come alive here and now. They are strong images which are dramas of reality. Being alive is heightened even more if you discover the Love of God in serving others. That is where God is because that is where Christ is. Meditation with the use of the sentence (that arises out of the dragnet story), deepens your awareness and sharpens your sensitivity to what is happening around you. Is this not using others for your own benefit? Yes! Why not?… if they are loved!

Argyll and The Isles



Blogger lydia said...

Please would you define what you mean by "Myth" and "Mysticism"?

1:53 pm  

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