Thursday, May 17, 2007

Matthew under the arm 52

I looked at Columba as he got into his bunk tonight. He is getting old. My goodness! he will not be around for ever. Somehow, I had always assumed that such a man has an 'eternity' - a certainty to them. Such as Columba will always be with me in whatever pilgrimage I make. (stupid!)When he laid his head down, I heard him cough. 'Are you OK?' I asked. Although I couldn't see him from my bunk in the dark, I heard him whisper! 'Of course, I'm OK. You will have to start letting me go, you know!' 'What do you mean?' I asked anxiously. 'Well.... My coughing like my breathing will end... and then what of your pilgrimage?'

Matthew 16:6-12....
Religious certainty is destructive. To believe in a religious system that gives certain guidance leads to licence to decide others fate: anything from over-riding control, rejection, to a crucifixion - even genocide. 'That person, those people are denying my religion, therefore they are blasphemous and must be rejected.' We are hungry for certainty as if it were bread in the wilderness. We are deluded enough to believe that certainty in religion will banish our deepest secret - fear. The dangerous ‘leaven’ of religion.

Through Your Wisdom, I would realise the freedom of insecurity.

What is the gift you have received, the generosity you have experienced that has been given without any expectation - that has created a sense of freedom in you? Picture the giver and the gift. Go before Christ and 'hold' it out to Him in deep thanks. Even allow yourself to smile! What certainties have you been given? Any? Do you really want them? Generosity is an act out of uncertainty, even insecurity, otherwise it wouldn't be generosity. Now enter your prayer and experience the freedom that spiritual insecurity, uncertainty brings. (‘Blessed are the Poor in Spirit...’)

Argyll and The Isles


Blogger Christine McIntosh said...

Strange that you should post this on a day when I am so aware of the desert that the faith journey can take us through.

11:12 pm  
Blogger Donald said...

People need to know that they are loved by the Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated in His death and resurection.

Without this certainty the church has nothing to offer and the church becomes a religion which are all man made.

True Christianity is a positive force leading to a lack of fear because we have peace with God. Fear goes hand in hand with punishment; the Lord Jesus Christ took our punishment, He loves us so much we do not need to fear if we believe in Him. Religion, man made, leads to destructive forces being unleashed, leading to death mortal and eternal. The Generosity of God astounds us, our sins all forgiven, peace with God, the promised certainty of eternal life, what a fantastic gift. That is not man made religion, the Pharasaical 'sad u c',the dangerous ‘leaven’ of religion.

Embrace Christianity, enjoy being loved by God, praise God for the 'peace of God which passes all understanding'. God changes our fear by His love to gratitude.

8:47 am  
Blogger The watchman at the gate said...

'That person, those people are denying my religion, therefore they are blasphemous and must be rejected.'

Does this mean we will see a church court, a trial! I thought episcopal church members could believe whatever they liked. Never mind what is said in the creed we hear many things in sermons. The clergy tell us we don't believe this part or that part or another part of the bible. It is a book written by men we are told and then, 'There are many ways to heaven'.

'Jesus wept'

4:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Religious certainty is destructive' Not necessarily. The martyrs died for their faith praying for their persecutors ( and still do)

1:41 pm  
Blogger lydia said...

The certainty of the Cross and physical death led to the Messiah praying for forgiveness for his executioners.
The certainty of salvation leads to the Promise of life everlasting and the promise that He (Jesus) is with his followers “even unto the end of the age”, and the promise of the Holy spirit as our guide.
How can this be a way that leads to destruction, genocide,?
Following The Lord Jesus is not “religion” it is a total lifestyle choice, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. It’s nothing to do with laying down rules to keep people under control. But allowing each individual to experience first His redeeming grace and then allowing them to grow up in Him, and becoming more like the Messiah we see in the Gospels and Epistles.
And our Certainty in His redemptive action first binds fear and then if we allow His Holy Spirit the freedom to work in us, banishes it very quickly. Fear is not a gift of God, but a trick of the Accuser of the brethren (the devil, Satan,) to turn our eyes away from the certainty we have in Jesus.

Lord give us Your Freedom in our spirits, and your certainty.

12:35 pm  

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