Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Matthew under the arm 63

The pathway today seemed to go across a moorland that seemed to go on for ever. We were all alone. There was no chatter between us. Columba looked at his feet as he walked. I looked in the distance, wondering when this boring part of the pilgrimage would be over. It was as if we were in an 'in-between' world - leaving something comfortable, familiar and secure behind for something unknown ahead of us. Columba realised that my pace was slowing. So he simply sat down in a space between the scrub and waited on me to join him. The wind blew dust in our faces and I wanted to go back. He put up his hands to his eyes as if gesturing to me to close mine. 'Christ arise within us and give us the courage to let go that which holds us to the past. Help us to honour the past and use it. But arise through us and draw us towards the unknown ahead of us. Love us now that we may have hope. May we be the bringers of hope in a transforming world.' 'What was that about?' I asked Columba. 'If you are to be the Love of God which you are learning on this pilgrimage, then you are going to be transformed. Risk the costly adventure.'

Matthew 13:51-52....
We are asked the question whether we understand. Jesus, however, takes us deeper. Understanding here is about knowing: being in touch with the world of the Spirit (the Kingdom). The ‘storeroom’ is the memory, the world of our unconsciousness as well as consciousness. Spirituality is the experience of the rising of the Spirit within us through the old. The 'old' is that which is familiar. The 'rising' comes through that 'oldness' to that which is new and transforming. The 'old' is/are not denied and rejected.

Let the depth of your memory be open to My Healing and My Creativity

Remind yourself that stillness is vital to body, mind and spirit. To enter into the springs of personality involves allowing stillness to create an openness. Use the sentence for about 15 minutes - let its rhythm still you. Your memory contains images and feelings of past experience. Let Christ rise within you lighting on the newness the creative desire within to serve the Love of God. When you have completed this meditation, reflect (in writing if it helps) on what your response might be.

Argyll and The Isles



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you

7:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is such a powerful sentence. Even the wickedness we have eperienced can be transformed by this openness.
But we should be aware of it in others, too. Those who are old and differently-abled have store rooms which are often overlooked by the 'younger' and 'fitter' because they require just a little more effort to find, down that badly lit corridor. It's too easy to make the assumption that x won't be able to do such and such a thing -and therefore we won't ask. Perhaps a future stage of the exercise could be to look for Christ's healing in those hidden storerooms who knows what treasures are there.

8:48 am  

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