Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Matthew under the arm 122

Behind us earlier today, came two young men who seemed to be policemen or soldiers. They were shouting at us. 'Move to the side and let the procession pass!'. Five minutes later, a caravan passed through which included important looking people surrounded with assistants and officials. Columba smiled. I felt resentful. Didn't they know who was with me? Later when we reached the nearest village the leaders were sitting in the inn. It didn't take long from the conversation for me to realise that these were religious leaders. Columba approached them, put down his copy of Matthew on the table. One leader lifted his eyes and looked at Columba, who asked them gently: 'Have you read...really read this? Have you ruminated with the Gospel? Have you prayed with it? Have you rested with it?' I was angry at the contempt on the religious leaders faces. Columba put his hand on mine. 'Do not meet fear with fear!'

Matthew 26.1-5....
The three days of Jesus Passion is dove-tailed into Old testament prophecy which had developed a theology of God's presence to be found in all things. Jesus himself was aware of the political processes that would lead to his execution. Religious leaders have always felt threatened by those who have a spirituality that is immediate and raises questions about institutions that protect their own power base and vested interests. We can almost smell the anxiety of the chief priests and elders...that terrifying prospect of loss of control.

Let My Freedom within you lead you to a deeper awareness of My Love in others.

When there is a feeling that your own Leaders have not been true to their responsibilities, the criticism is often severe. Look what happens so often in families when a parent dies and the will is read as a record of who is loved and who deserves. The feelings can be intensely destructive. But Matthew and the early Church learnt by their acute spirituality to look at their Jewish leaders through the eyes of Christ. Look over recent days and see when you have felt threatened and fearful. Was it the possibility of rejection? The loss of control? Use the sentence to look at the detail of your feelings through the eyes of Christ.


Argyll and The Isles



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